2 Dec


Performances: Anina Major Heavy is the Head

Time: Thurs 2 Dec 2–5pm,
Location: Outside of Booth A13
Presented by TERN

“Deny it to a queen? Then happy low, lie down! Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” The climate of the world today urges us to ponder the gravity of current times and its ability to emotionally overwhelm—from the rejected constitutional amendments that would provide equality of the sexes in The Bahamas to the continued state-sanctioned violence against people of color in the United States.

The performance of Heavy is the Head by artist, Anina Major tackles the challenges of processing these emotions by balancing a spiked pot upon her head. There is something eternally graceful about seeing a woman carrying a pot on her head; a vision of femininity, balance and sustenance dictated by maintaining the load perfectly. The act of carrying upon the head in this performance, seeks to underscore the essential role of women within society, that in addition to women’s work, women bear emotional labor. For Untitled Art Fair, Major invites another woman to reenact this endurance performance.